Summary Completion Questions


Summary completion questions are a type of question in the IELTS Listening exam where you are given a summary of a conversation or lecture and asked to fill in the missing information. The summary might be about the main points, the speaker’s opinions, or the conclusion.

To answer summary completion questions, you will need to listen carefully to the recording and identify the key points that the speaker is making. You will also need to be able to understand the speaker’s tone and intention. Once you have identified the key points, you can then fill in the missing information in the summary.

Here are some tips for answering summary completion questions:

  • Read the summary carefully before you listen to the recording. This will give you an idea of the key points that you need to listen for.
  • Listen actively while you are listening to the recording. This means paying attention to the speaker’s tone and intention, as well as the key points that they are making.
  • Take notes while you are listening to the recording. This will help you to remember the key points and to identify the missing information.
  • Fill in the missing information in the summary as soon as you have finished listening to the recording. This will help you to avoid making mistakes.

Here are some examples of summary completion questions:

  • What are the three main points that the speaker makes in the summary?
  • What is the speaker’s opinion on the topic of the summary?
  • What is the conclusion of the summary?

Summary completion questions can be challenging, but they are an important part of the IELTS Listening exam. By following the tips above, you can improve your chances of answering these questions correctly.