Question Types

One common question many candidates have is “What types of questions are in the IELTS reading exam?”.

These are the 11 different question types that you can expect to see in the IELTS reading exam:

  1. Diagram label completion questions. You will be given a diagram and a list of labels. Your task is to match the labels to the correct parts of the diagram. This type of question tests your ability to understand and interpret visual information.
  2. Identifying a writer’s views or claims. You will be given a statement and you will need to decide whether the statement reflects the writer’s views or claims. This type of question tests your ability to understand the author’s argument and to distinguish between fact and opinion.
  3. Identifying information. You will be given a question and you will need to find the answer to that question in the text. This type of question tests your ability to scan and skim the text for specific information.
  4. Matching features. You will be given two lists of features. Your task is to match the features in list A to the features in list B. This type of question tests your ability to compare and contrast information.
  5. Matching headings. You will be given a list of headings and a text. Your task is to match each heading to the correct section of the text. This type of question tests your ability to understand the structure of the text and to identify the main ideas.
  6. Matching information. You will be given a list of statements and a text. Your task is to match each statement to the paragraph in the text where it is mentioned. This type of question tests your ability to understand the main ideas of the text and to locate specific information.
  7. Matching sentence endings. You will be given a series of incomplete sentences and a list of possible endings. Your task is to match each ending to the correct sentence. This type of question tests your ability to understand the meaning of sentences and to complete them with the correct information.
  8. Multiple choice questions. You will be given a question and a number of possible answers. Your task is to choose the answer that is best supported by the text. This type of question tests your ability to understand the text and to identify the correct information.
  9. Sentence completion questions. You will be given a sentence with a blank space. Your task is to fill in the blank with the correct word or phrase. This type of question tests your ability to understand the meaning of the sentence and to use the correct grammar and vocabulary.
  10. Short-answer questions. You will be given a question and you will need to write a short answer. This type of question tests your ability to understand the question and to express your ideas in writing.
  11. Summary, note, table, flow-chart completion. You will be given a text and you will need to summarize the main points, take notes, complete a table, or draw a flow chart. This type of question tests your ability to understand the text and to present the information in a clear and concise way.

By understanding the different question types, you can better prepare for the exam and improve your chances of getting a high score.

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