Note Conpletion Questions


Note completion questions are a type of question in the IELTS Listening exam where you are given a note and asked to fill in the missing information. The note might be about a conversation or a lecture, and it might ask for specific details, such as dates, times, or names.

To answer note completion questions, you will need to listen carefully to the recording and take notes. You should also pay attention to the context of the conversation or lecture, as this will help you to understand what information is missing from the note.

Once you have listened to the recording and taken notes, you can begin to fill in the missing information. You should try to be as accurate as possible, and you should check your work carefully before submitting your answers.

Here are some tips for answering note completion questions in the IELTS Listening exam:

  • Listen carefully to the recording and take notes. This will help you to identify the key information that you need to complete the note.
  • Pay attention to the context of the conversation or lecture. This will help you to understand what information is missing from the note.
  • Be as accurate as possible when filling in the missing information. Double-check your work before submitting your answers.
  • Practice answering note completion questions. The more you practice, the better you will become at answering these types of questions.

Here are some examples of note completion questions:

  • What is the name of the person who is giving the lecture?
  • What are the three main points of the lecture?
  • What time is the meeting scheduled for?
  • Who is the meeting with?
  • What are the three items that need to be brought to the meeting?

I hope these tips help you to answer note completion questions in the IELTS Listening exam.