Matching Questions


Matching questions in the IELTS listening exam are a type of question where you are given two lists of information and asked to match the items in one list to the items in the other list. For example, you might be given a list of names and a list of jobs, and you need to match each name to their corresponding job.

Matching questions are usually found in the first two sections of the IELTS listening exam, which are the Conversations and Short Talks sections. These sections typically contain 3-4 matching questions each.

To answer matching questions, it is important to read the two lists carefully and to listen carefully to the recording. As you listen, try to match the items in the two lists as they are mentioned in the recording. You may find it helpful to underline or highlight the items in the two lists as you listen.

Once you have listened to the recording once, you can go back to the two lists and check your answers. If you are still unsure about any of the answers, you can listen to the recording again.

Here are some tips for answering matching questions in the IELTS listening exam:

  • Read the two lists carefully and make sure you understand what each item means.
  • Listen carefully to the recording and try to match the items in the two lists as they are mentioned.
  • If you are still unsure about any of the answers, you can listen to the recording again.
  • Use a pencil to underline or highlight the items in the two lists as you listen.
  • Answer the questions in the order they are presented.
  • Don’t spend too much time on any one question. If you are stuck, move on and come back to it later.

Matching questions can be challenging, but with practice, you can learn to answer them correctly.