Listening Question Types

There are 10 different question types in the IELTS exam and like the reading exam you will be given sin of these in any one test. 

Here are the 10 question types in the IELTS Listening exam, along with a brief description of each:

  1. Matching: You will be given two lists of information and asked to match the items in one list to the items in the other list. For example, you might be given a list of names and a list of jobs, and you need to match each name to their corresponding job.
  2. Multiple choice: You will be given a question and three possible answers. You need to choose the answer that you think is the most correct. This is the most common question type in the IELTS Listening exam.
  3. Sentence completion: You will be given a sentence with a missing word. You need to fill in the missing word.
  4. Form completion: You will be given a form and asked to fill in the missing information. The form might ask for personal information, such as your name, address, and phone number, or it might ask for more specific information, such as your educational background or work experience.
  5. Note completion: You will be given a note and asked to fill in the missing information. The note might be about a conversation or a lecture, and it might ask for specific details, such as dates, times, or names.
  6. Table completion: You will be given a table and asked to fill in the missing information. The table might be about a survey, a experiment, or a set of instructions, and it might ask for specific numbers, dates, or names.
  7. Summary completion: You will be given a summary and asked to fill in the missing information. The summary might be about a conversation or a lecture, and it might ask for specific details, such as the main points, the speaker’s opinions, or the conclusion.
  8. Short answer questions: You will be given a question and asked to write a short answer. The answer might be a few words long, or it might be a few sentences long.
  9. Plan / map / diagram labelling: You will be given a plan, map, or diagram and asked to label it according to the information in the recording. The plan, map, or diagram might show a city, a building, or a process, and it might ask for specific locations, names, or steps.
  10. Flowchart completion: You will be given a flowchart and asked to fill in the missing information. The flowchart might show a process, such as how to make a cup of coffee, and it might ask for specific steps or ingredients.

It is important to practice answering all of these question types in order to do well on the IELTS Listening exam.