Grammatical Range And Accuracy  


Grammatical range and accuracy is one of the four criteria that IELTS examiners use to assess your writing in Task 1 and Task 2. It is worth 25% of your total writing score.

  • Grammatical range refers to the variety of grammatical structures that you use in your writing.
  • Grammatical accuracy refers to the correctness of your grammar.

To achieve a high score for grammatical range and accuracy, your writing should:

  • Use a variety of grammatical structures.
  • Use grammar accurately.
  • Avoid making grammatical errors.
  • Use more complex grammatical structures as you progress through the exam levels.

Here are some examples of how you can improve your grammatical range and accuracy:

  • Study grammar rules. There are many resources available to help you learn grammar rules.
  • Practice using grammar structures. The more you use grammar structures, the more comfortable you will become with them.
  • Get feedback on your writing. Ask a teacher, tutor, or friend to give you feedback on your grammar.

By following these tips, you can improve your grammatical range and accuracy and achieve a high score for this important criterion in the IELTS writing exam.

Here are some band descriptors for grammatical range and accuracy in IELTS writing:

  • Band 6: Uses a range of grammatical structures, but some errors are noticeable.
  • Band 7: Uses a wide range of grammatical structures with good accuracy. Some errors may occur.
  • Band 8: Uses a very wide range of grammatical structures with very good accuracy. Only occasional errors may occur.
  • Band 9: Uses an exceptionally wide range of grammatical structures with very high accuracy. No errors are noticeable.

Here are some examples of grammatical errors that you should avoid:

  • Subject-verb agreement errors (e.g., “The boy runned to the store.”)
  • Pronoun errors (e.g., “Me and my friends went to the movies.”)
  • Verb tense errors (e.g., “I went to the store yesterdays.”)
  • Article errors (e.g., “I saw a dog in the park.”)
  • Adjective and adverb errors (e.g., “The big dog ran very fast.”)

By avoiding these common grammatical errors, you can improve your grammatical range and accuracy and achieve a higher score in the IELTS writing exam.